- Identify Threats Through IMSI/IMEI Cell Phone Information
- Track Target’s Pattern Of Life
- Direction Find Target
- Man-pack and Vehicle Configurations Available
- 15 Years of Experience in Deployment USA / WorldWide
CellAntenna has developed the Guardian Service IMSI Catcher as their most recent contribution to the battle to defeat the use of illegal cell phones in correctional facilities.

Like pest control, this unique cell phone interdiction solution is a service where CellAntenna’s technicians come on site on a regular basis for 2- 3 days to unobtrusively detect and document contraband handsets in use inside of a correctional facility
The Guardian Service Captures Important Mobile Handset Information:
- Time/Date Stamp
- Cellular service provider
- Handset serial number
- SIM card serial number (IMSI)
- Number of detections per service visit
- Handset make and model information
Every cell phone the Guardian Service detects is not interfered with and can be checked against a “white list” before submission to each carrier for unsubscribing.
The equipment is onsite for a short period of time determined by the:
- Amount of cell phones detected during the first service visit
- Requirements of the customer
- Rate in which cell phones are being turned off and found.
Technicians connect the portable Guardian Service’s Cell Phone Controller (CPC), leave it for a period of time and then move it to a new site.